Relentless Grace

The Shepherd Psalm: A Table in the Presence of my Enemies

The Rev. Dr. Paula V. Mehmel Season 1 Episode 26

Pastor Paula continues her series on the Shepherd Psalm--Psalm 23.  Each week she  takes a portion of the Psalm and connect sit with our lives, as she explores how a Psalm about something like sheep herding, which few of us know much about, has become one of the most beloved texts in all of Scripture.  This week she looks at the words "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."  Too often we end up giving up a lot of our headspace to our enemies and those who have wronged us, rather than moving through our anger and focusing on what is life giving.  By believing  that God will prepare a table for us when we follow the path of righteousness, doing what we can and trusting God with the rest,  we can focus on what God has prepared for us, instead of giving all of our energy to those things that keep us stuck.

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."  Psalm 23:5a

Opening; Scriptures-2:06;  Message-4:56;  Song "Blessed Assurance" 18:11;  Community Connection-20:39;  Closing-24:55

Scripture Texts- Psalm 118  Psalms for a New World Inclusive Translation;  Romans 12:14-21  New Revised Standard Version

Many Thanks to Pastor Dan McKnight, the opening announcer, Elizabeth Kieschnick who read the Scriptures,  Camy Wenberg, who sang "Blessed Assurance"  and Ruth Skinner who sang  the closing song, "You Shall Go Out with Joy."

If you wish to support this ministry, you may do so  by going to I  if you wish to support this ministry and this link doesn't work,  please let Pastor Paula know. This is for on-going support.  If you wish to make a one time donation, you may do so by Venmoing Pastor Paula at pvmehmel.  You may contact Pastor Paula at with any comments or questions.  

"Blessed Assurance" by Fanny Crosby is in the public domain.

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